1. Open MS Office-MS Word – File – New.
2. Go to View- Header and Footer- Type the complete address of a
3. Select the Text and click align right on the standard tool bar.
4. In order to insert the company logo (create a logo using paint software and
save it or use the existing one) inside the header go to Insert- Picture-From
File-and browse for the required Picture/file/logo where you have saved –
click Insert.
6. After inserting the logo/image resize the logo to fit the top left corner of the page by right clicking on the logo, go to Format Picture – select Layout tab – select the Wrapping Style to Infront of text- click ok.
7.To insert a Line go to Insert- picture- Auto shapes- Select the line and draw below the Logo and the address inside the header.
8. Format the line by Right clicking and selecting Format Auto shape- select the Color and Line tab- chose your style- click ok.
9. Then go to the footer- Insert and format a line as did for header.
10. Type the text inside the footer and below the line.
11. Go to Format-Background-Printed Watermark-Picture Mark-Click Select Picture- Browse for the required background- click Washout-Apply- Ok
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