PC Software Lab Questions
Microsoft office PowerPoint Word Excel Computer Basics and PC Software Lab Experiment
List of Experiments
- Procedure to create personal letter.
- Procedure to create company Letter Head.
- Procedure to create simple news letter using Ms-Office word.
- Procedure to create Memo.
- Procedure to create a resume using Ms-Office word.
- Procedure to create greeting card using Ms-Office word.
- Procedure to create a Mail Merge Letter.
- Procedure to create a worksheet with 4 columns. Enter 10 records and find the sum of all columns in MS Office excel.
- Procedure to create a report containing the pay details of the employee using MS Office excel.
- Procedure to create a student result sheet using Ms-Office Excel.
- Procedure to create a simple bar chart to highlight the sales of a company.
- Procedure to create a simple presentation using power point.
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