PC Software Lab Experiment


PC Software Lab Questions

Microsoft office PowerPoint Word Excel Computer Basics and PC Software Lab Experiment

List of Experiments

  1. Procedure to create personal letter.
  2. Procedure to create company Letter Head. 
  3. Procedure to create simple news letter using Ms-Office word.
  4. Procedure to create Memo.
  5. Procedure to create a resume using Ms-Office word.
  6. Procedure to create greeting card using Ms-Office word.
  7. Procedure to create a Mail Merge Letter.
  8. Procedure to create a worksheet with 4 columns. Enter 10 records and find the sum of all columns in MS Office excel. 
  9. Procedure to create a report containing the pay details of the employee using MS Office excel.
  10. Procedure to create a student result sheet using Ms-Office Excel.
  11. Procedure to create a simple bar chart to highlight the sales of a company.
  12. Procedure to create a simple presentation using power point.

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